Disarming Death’s Authority and Living A Full Life

Our dead ancestors recognized the ephemerality of life and used it as a springboard to live well

Richie Crowley
9 min readNov 28, 2021

If no one at your table this week brought up Cryptocurrency, NFTs, or web3 let me be that guy. But only for a brief moment.

There is a new NFT art project called CryptoMories. It’s a collection of 10,000 adaptative generative skeletons pieces. The aesthetic of Dia de Los Muertos meets New Orleans caught my eye and I joined their Discord to eavesdrop.

CryptoMories on OpenSea

I quickly learned that CryptoMories was created to remind people that life is short, and must be lived to the fullest.

The project’s inspiration comes from the Latin phrase Memento Mori which translates to Remember you die.

The full text is “Respice post te. Hominem te esse memento. Memento mori!” — “Look behind. Remember thou art mortal. Remember you must die!

During the Roman Empire, after a military victory, the triumphant Roman generals would celebrate by parading through the streets of the empire in horse-drawn Chariots. The generals were idolized, viewed…



Richie Crowley

Slowly building an audience by publishing original thoughts and ideas only when I have something of quality to say.