I Lost My Mind In The Middle Of Missouri

Richie Crowley
9 min readNov 20, 2019

The funny thing about calling this ride The Wellness Ride is that in the process of delivering wellness to over 2,000 people, I lost mine.

Photo by Michael M on Unsplash

I don’t count calories, gym gains, or my weight, but I keep myself in what I like to call “Life Shape.” If a friend invites me to hike, I know my body can, if I’m invited to Kayak the ocean, I know I can, and if I decide to ride my bike across America, I know I’ll be able to.

Life shape.

Prior to the ride, I was pretty consistent with my daily practices. I slept for 8–9 hours, I ate plants, I moved naturally, and I meditated each morning. Knowing how great I felt when my day was built on this foundation, I made a daily check-list for the ride in the notes app on my iPhone.

Wake up, Meditate, 5 Minute Yoga, Hydrate, Snack, Check-Bike, Ride.

As minimal as I could go while still touching all the pieces I felt necessary.

By the time I reached New Jersey, at the beginning of week 2, one of these was already forgotten. I had lost my meditation practice.

I sit on the same pillow, in the same corner of the same room each day for my practice, and finding comfort in new places, and the confidence to practice in public was uncomfortable. I didn’t have the discipline to keep this practice despite…



Richie Crowley

Slowly building an audience by publishing original thoughts and ideas only when I have something of quality to say.